The Difference

Two kinds of people find Storm Force Fitness.

You might already be at a high level of fitness and want to push yourself to achieve something new or meet more people like you, or you’re stuck and want to break out into a happier, healthier, more fulfilling way of living!

Either way, our Fitness Breaks will change everything.

The purpose of Storm Force Fitness Breaks is to take your mind and physical fitness to another level for the future, whilst giving you unforgettable moments right now, in amazing destinations around the world.

We never see fitness or body composition as an end goal, but a pathway to exciting experiences and personal challenges. We also don’t like the word ‘Retreat’ because this is not about escaping for a week then going back to repeat the same patterns of behaviour and staying stuck in the same frustrating cycles.

Instead, our mission is to help you finally find what you need to keep gaining in confidence, growing and adapting to whatever your next goal requires!

Storm Force Fitness Breaks are not about giving you piles of information you don’t know how to apply, ‘motivating’ you to do weird fasting diets or trying to punish yourself into shape with three workouts a day!

The role of the coaches you’ll meet is to help you gain clarity on what you really want out of your life, take the brakes off and gain the confidence to take the leaps needed to reach the next level of your personal growth.

The Immersive Coaching Experience we’ve crafted over many years includes the I.C.E Cube, a multi-dimensional approach that helps you develop essential fitness skills, personal strength and support mechanisms.

The ‘Cube’ provides the foundation for every Fitness Break whether 2 or 10 days so you can expect to walk away with powerful and highly-personalised action-plans in:

Strength | Cardio | Movement | Mind | Breath | Nutrition

Whether you’re on a 2 day Deep Dive or training with us out in Thailand on a very challenging Fight Fitness Experience, these foundation elements never change. Instead we’ll help you establish exactly where you are right now in each area and what you need to do to optimise them moving forwards.

Expanding your personal cube will quickly move you towards impressive and healthy body composition, high levels of energy and self-confidence and the ability to tick off all the fun and adventure that’s gathering dust on your Bucket List!

To do this, we’ve systemised all of the very best coaching methods in strength and conditioning, nutrition, movement development, sleep and stress management, breath work and nutrition.

These are not your average fitness retreats but personal power plays that will take you beyond what you ever thought you were capable of!

See you…somewhere!

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